Day 0: Leaving home

The arrow of time is unstoppable, surely. I don’t imagine any science or wierd and wonderful occurence that will stop time, ever. And so it is that no matter how far something may seem into the future, time will bring it to be.

And so it is for us, as we leave Australia. The last few weeks especially have been frantic. Weeks like no other. When in the World Education summit in Thailand, I didn’t hear very much about people leaving their lives and going travelling. I’m sure everyone has their own version of the story. For us, it has been like no other time. We have a business to keep running and thriving. We are returning home and need to make sure everything is in order for us to be away. And we have the unknown of travelling with little ones for a while, to keep them engaged, happy and safe.

The last few weeks have been surprising. We’re surprised by what we managed to achieve. Last minute tasks, things out of sequence, multi-tasking, emergencies, it was all there.