

We’re a family of 5. We’ve recently started thinking about the concept of discovering awesomeness – the daily awesomeness that we all have within us.

Especially those of us who are parents. After all, many parents don’t feel particularly awesome. We are bombarded from all sides, and almost every direction seems to reveal something that we could have done better.

So why did we start this blog? Because western societal pressures seem to be about ‘self’ and productivity rather than long-term giving and being on the right side of history in 50 years’ time. While self does matter, there is something beyond that concept, something more ephemeral and beautiful that you can achieve even if one has to share self and the resources that go with self with others – children for example.

So to all of those people, this is especially for you.

Why Sails In The Wind?

The wind blows, whether we like it or not. Who knows from which direction it will come tomorrow? Nobody can control the wind. It is a force unseen, yet its effects are definitely felt.
And yet, while we cannot control the wind, we can control our reaction to it. A sail can be changed, trimmed, let out, orientated. We change the nature of the sail in response to the wind. And so it is with us. We respond to what is around us.

Finding Our Family's Awesomeness